snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Afresh, again, anew Severus has to live again. He will choose differently, this time anyway So he decides to leave his life out of Slytherin, Gryffindore hate, find some friends and relax. A dark phonix, a dark ritual he didn't know about but was involved and the dark lord taking a liking to him, again says otherwise. Right then the Gryffindor, once again caught in her feelings of anger, made a decision. One that would affect the rest of her school year When the memories of a much older Severus Snape appeared in his head one day, the seven-year-old's life was changed forever. And while he was sure it wasn't a perfect picture, it painted a pretty good one. And he wanted to change it to something better no matter the cost. What better way to start than with a little magic and a plan? It was the day Severus had waited for two years.

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. Work Search: tip: austen words sort:title. Harry hat die Zauberwelt verlassen. Dort trifft er auf jemanden, der eigentlich Tot sein sollte.

Snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction. Professor snape and The-Boy-who-Lived - MASTER SPY - Wattpad

Harry steeled himself for the answer, positive that Snape would change his mind once he thought about the consequences, but he never heard a yes or a no. Then again, if Niko served as a match-maker, then maybe Harry lowered himself to his forearms, snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction, panting softly as he tried to relax his muscles. Smooth, Potterhe berated snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction as he picked up his fallen broomstick. When you tackled me earlier this evening, I thought maybe you had come to your senses. He will only bite you once. His mouth twisted in a bitter smile. He banished the chair to an empty classroom with a flick of his wand and turned back in the direction he was heading, only to smack straight into a warm, hard body, dropping his broomstick to the floor with a loud clatter. He is very rare, so please take good care of him. Hermione and Ron took the hint and ran interference for him, fending off the reporters while Harry and Niko made their getaway. Harry had been so obviously in love with the Potions professor.

Instantly realizing what he had done, he slapped his hand over his mouth.

  • Did he read that right?
  • Green Eyed Hero.
  • I don't know.

Full Summary: Harry suffers silently from a hidden love for Snape. He's prepared to take his secret to the grave, but a mysterious Christmas gift changes everything. Originally written for OniButterfly for Snarry Holidays. More thanks to Sarah for being my beta again! Snape, Flustered! Harry, language. Minerva McGonagall faced down a row of excitable first years who had turned up missing right before the train was due to deliver them back to their homes for the Christmas break. What she'd discovered them doing had led her to conduct an impromptu lecture, just in case the impressionable youngsters decided to recreate the experience in their own backyards. Just because something is possible doesn't mean you should try to do it yourself. Is that understood? She paused at the end of the line, hands on hips, fixing a stern glare on the penitent flyer who towered over the fresh-faced first years. Harry grinned boyishly, running one hand through his unkempt hair while the other kept his broomstick half-hidden behind his back. She gave the first years another intimidating glance and ordered them all to hurry and gather their things together so they would be ready for departure. Only two years had passed since Harry was a student himself. At nineteen, he was the youngest professor ever appointed at the school, taking over for Madam Hooch after a war injury had forced her into retirement.

Snape transfigured a fake plant into a blue baby bottle. Why would someone send him a creature whose sole purpose in life was to marry him off? He squinted and slowly read the last sentence out loud. Jeden brytyjczyk, który spełnił już marzenia. The obscene suggestion — and its accompanying mental image — had sent Harry over the edge, unable to control his climax, snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction. What I did find when you told me the truth is a scared boy who never had a childhood and who now plays the biggest role in the wizarding world.

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

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Let's go get your dirty bottom in the bath. A time-travel fix-it centered around Severus Snape from before Hogwarts to after. He walked over to the railing where the blond wizard stood looking up at the star-speckled sky. He's prepared to take his secret to the grave, but a mysterious Christmas gift changes everything. Snape crushed his lips against Harry's in a bruising kiss, obliterating any qualms Harry had about his sincerity. No deep, dark secret you want to whisper in my ear? Po prostu trwała w nicości, która otaczała ją z każdej strony. Perhaps I've rubbed off on you more than I thought I would, snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction. Once Snape says no, that's it. Get an Invitation.

This is art for my story dancing with hands tied. Only his boxers remained. Your touch Larry

Harry hears an interesting meeting. No copyright infringement is intended. Będąc tam, uświadomiła sobie, że nigdy nie była główną bohaterką tej historii. Usually, they sat at opposite ends of the head table, fanola no yellow szampon i odżywka naraz mealtimes had never been a problem, but meals during the Christmas holiday were too intimate. This story will involve both homosexual and heterosexual relationships - don't like then don't read. It's 'nape when your eleven. He nudged his head against Harry's hand, snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction, indicating his wish for Harry to pet him, very vocal in his delight when Harry obliged him. Opinions stated in profiles of users may not reflect the opinions or views of Adult-FanFiction. Obaj zakochani w tańcu. Śmierć i agonia. The end. Where stories live. When Harry removed all his clothing except for the pull-up, he went into a corner. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. It didn't take long to convince Harry that one missed speech wasn't going to matter much in the long run. Harry whimpered and begged, wanting more, his legs shaking with the effort to hold himself up in the face of all that bone-melting pleasure. Niko placed his front paws on Harry's chest and stretched up to give him a lick on the cheek. If snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction could make this evening a success, snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction, at least it would salvage a fraction of his pride. He is very rare, so please take good care of him. Harry cursed softly under his breath at the mental image that produced.

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction

snape x harry pamper yaoi fanfiction