pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formularz wykorzystuj wyłącznie w celu pozostawienia opinii o produkcie lub zadania pytania na jego temat. Komentarz będzie widoczny dopiero po wcześniejszym zweryfikowaniu go przez naszych pracowników. Potrzebujemy go wyłącznie, aby móc poinformować Cię o tym, że pojawiła się odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie lub inny klient odniósł się do Twojej opinii. Nie kupiłem tego tutaj, ale nie podobał mi się ten szampon. Mam pasemka i ten produkt nie tylko nie zneutralizował żółknięcia, ale także wywołał reakcję alergiczną. Zapach jest bardzo chemiczny. Również dobrze odbarwiały, ale strasznie przesuszały moje włosy, a blond włosy już i tak cierpią. Z tymi produktami tak nie jest. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. W celu świadczenia usług na najwyższym poziomie nasza strona wykorzystuje pliki cookies. W każdym momencie możesz dokonać zmiany ustawień w swojej przeglądarce. Więcej szczegółów znajdziesz w zakładce Polityka prywatności. Pro:Voke Touch of Silver. Powiadom o dostępności. Chwilowy brak.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formulated with a unique mix of violet and blue pigments, this purple shampoo restores your hair colour by removing yellow and orange brassy tones, whilst optical brighteners add shine. I recently bought this in Tesco and I honestly cant get over the results!! I am very protective of my hair and this has transformed my blonde. I also cant get over the price of the products! I bought this product pre-lockdown, I saw it was on offer and had wanted to try something that would give my naturally blonde hair a pick me up. I was really surprised that I saw a difference after the first wash in terms of lightening the colour of my hair. After continuous use I am really satisfied with the product as my hair is lighter, healthier and in such a good condition. After bleaching my hair I always get banana yellow tones and this lifts them after just one wash. I have been using this hair product of over 2 years now I am in love with it.


The product does what it says got rid of brassy tones almost immediately after the first wash. Wyprzedaż Nowości Zestawy. I am very protective of my hair and this has transformed my blonde. Great purple shade, much more brightening than other purple shampoos? Perhaps could do with being a bit stronger on the pigment imo to achieve the cool tone I desire, pro voke touch of silver szampon. Touch of silver — LindaM Again like the conditioner the shampoo left my hair soft and manageable. Love it — Lynne Brilliant shampoo and conditioner really makes my highlights brighter, hair looks and feels lovely. Makes my hair very smooth, easy to pro voke touch of silver szampon out. Used with the conditioner it is great to keep my colour looking as good as when I walked out the hairdressers for as long as possible. Blond — Lucylou Great packagingsmells good does the job at brightening.

This looked a bit scary to put on my hair at first but it didn’t leave any purple tones in my hair.

  • Not a huge fan of the chemical smell though.
  • Touch of silver — Shar This shampoo is great.
  • Lovley — Gena I used this shampoo for 4 months now and i love it.
  • Akcesoria do włosów.


Have purchased product already, pro voke touch of silver szampon. If anything it made my hair look a bit darker and duller, so I guess it toned it down but made it look dull and un-interesting. Just felt brighter. Przetłumaczona opinia. Still use this product as just think it gives a lovely tone to my hair. Good shampoo — Lamac Used along with the conditioner so got the full effect and a nice colour. Used with the conditioner it is great to keep my colour looking as good as when I walked out the hairdressers for as long as possible. Keeps blondes cool — SunStar Stacks up against in salon brands pro voke touch of silver szampon definitely cools down the warm and gold tones blonde goes.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Szampon rozjaśniający, eliminujący żółte odcienie - Pro:Voke Touch Of Silver Brightening Shampoo

A classic! Smells lovely. I bought this product pre-lockdown, I saw it was on offer pro voke touch of silver szampon had wanted to try something that would give my naturally blonde hair a pick me up. Not so great — Kirsten66G I found this shampoo really drying. Great thick quality and lovely to use. Great for taking out unwanted brassy tones in colour treated hair, pro voke touch of silver szampon. Makes my hair very smooth, easy to wash out. The shampoo was great and better than others I have tried. Best price, most effective, amazing product! Not a huge fan of the chemical smell though. Highly recommended. Mam pasemka i ten produkt nie tylko nie zneutralizował żółknięcia, ale także wywołał reakcję alergiczną.

Foams nicely — ODPJen I found the shampoo foamed up nicely on my hair making it easy to work into a lather. Touch of silver — Gem I have used this product for years and it is great to brighten up your highlighted hair. Great stuff.

Perfect, removes brassy tones, pro voke touch of silver szampon, lovely shampoo! Kąpiel i prysznic. Touch of Silver Purple Toning. Przetłumaczona opinia. Ostatnio oglądane. Love it — Elly I always have my hair coloured but felt the was a slight yellowness to it this time. My szampon do włosów tłustych ranking to pro voke touch of silver szampon — Ab93 Favourite shampoo for getting rid of brassiness in my hair, really works to help brighten my blonde and smells great. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. Perhaps could do with being a bit stronger on the pigment imo to achieve the cool tone I desire. Touch of silver — Katie Amazing for bleached hair. Soft ant nice Grey tone hair. I have reviewed it along with the conditioner. Zobacz więcej: Szampon rozjaśniający włosySzampon oczyszczający do włosów. Promocje marek. Can be quite drying if used everyday. Nie kupiłem tego tutaj, ale nie podobał mi się ten szampon. Kosmetyki naturalne i organiczne. Was a bleached blonde in my younger years so have now switched to the kinder alternative tint. Best price, most effective, amazing product! Good products — Jennyg Really enjoyed and felt like it made a difference to the tone of my hair without drying it out.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon