
We always see the same side of the Moon. The Moon has a solid, rocky surface. There's no rain or wind, but there is weather. Earth's Moon is the brightest and largest object in our night sky. The Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. The Moon was likely formed after a Mars-sized body collided with Earth several billion years ago. Earth's only natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in In Latin, the Moon was called Luna, which is the main adjective for all things Moon-related: lunar. Why can I see the Moon during the day? And other frequently asked questions about our Moon. When the full moon is a little bit closer to us than usual, it appears especially large and bright in the sky.





The brightest and largest object in our night sky, the Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. If you set a single green pea next to a U. The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It goes around the Earth at a distance of about , miles , kilometers. The Earth and Moon are tidally locked. Their rotations are so in sync we only see one side of the Moon.

Moon. Moon Facts - NASA Science

See also: Moon Moon science fiction and List of appearances of the Moon in fiction, Moon. United Nations. Archived PDF from the original on 11 August Archived from the original on 21 March Size and Distance. Retrieved 15 March Due to tidal lockingthe Moon has a spin—orbit resonance, Moon. ISBN Confucius Institute for Scotland. Archived from the original on 14 March Ocean tides are the most widely experienced result of this, but Moon forces also considerably affect other mechanics of Earth, as well as the Moon and their system.

Sidereal rotation period.

  • The Moon size of the Moon is roughly the same as that of the Sun, Moon, with both being viewed at close to one-half a degree wide.
  • The U.
  • Since prehistoric and ancient times humans have drawn Moon Moon and have described a range of understandings of it, having prominent importance in different cosmologiesoften exhibiting a spiritMoon, being a deity or an aspectparticularly in astrology.
  • Retrieved 17 December
  • The Moon may appear blue depending on the presence of certain particles in the air, Moon, [] such as volcanic particles, [] in which case it can be Moon a blue moon.
  • In Helaine Selin ed.

The Moon is Earth 's only natural satellite. It orbits at an average distance of , km , mi , about 30 times Earth's diameter. The Moon always presents the same side to Earth, because gravitational pull has locked its rotation to the planet. This results in the lunar day of The Moon's gravitational pull — and to a lesser extent the Sun 's — are the main drivers of the tides. The Moon is in geophysical terms a planetary-mass object or satellite planet. It has a mass that amounts to 1. The body of the Moon is differentiated and terrestrial , with no significant hydrosphere , atmosphere , or magnetic field. It formed 4. The lunar surface is covered in lunar dust and marked by mountains , impact craters , their ejecta , ray-like streaks and, mostly on the near side of the Moon, by dark maria "seas" , which are plains of cooled magma. These maria were formed when molten lava flowed into ancient impact basins. The Moon is, beside when passing through Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse , always illuminated by the Sun, but from Earth the visible illumination shifts during its orbit, producing the lunar phases. This is mainly due to its large angular diameter , while the reflectance of the lunar surface is comparable to that of asphalt. The apparent size is nearly the same as that of the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun almost completely during a total solar eclipse. For humans the Moon has been an important source of inspiration and knowledge, having been crucial to cosmography , mythology, religion , art, time keeping , natural science , and spaceflight. On September 13, , the first human-made object to reach an extraterrestrial body arrived on the Moon, the Soviet Union 's Luna 2 impactor.

Outline History. Well known swirls include the Reiner Gamma feature and Mare Ingenii. During a "full moon," the hemisphere of the Moon we can see from Earth is fully illuminated by the Sun. Archived from the original on 16 December The spacecraft Moon that concentrations may possibly be as high as Moon, ppm, Moon, Moon. The Moon highest altitude at culmination varies by its lunar phaseor more correctly its orbital position, Moon, and time of the year, or more correctly the position of the Earth's axis, Moon. In Hiten - Hagoromo[] the first dedicated lunar mission sincereached the Moon. The Soviet Union continued sending robotic missions to the Moon untilMoon in with Luna 17 the first remote controlled rover Lunokhod 1 on an extraterrestrial surface, and collecting and returning 0. Smithsonian Institution Press. ISBN





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Direct transmission of data to Earth concluded in late because of budgetary considerations, Moon, [] [] but as the stations' lunar laser ranging corner-cube retroreflector arrays Moon passive instruments, they are still being used. Their shape is often accentuated by low albedo regions that wind between the bright swirls, Moon. Main article: Lunar swirls. Its sources include outgassing and sputteringa product of the bombardment of lunar soil by solar wind ions. In Western alchemy silver is associated with the Moon, and gold with the Sun. CiteSeerX Kuiper Belt. A 3D model of Earth's Moon. The Book of the Moon, Moon. An iconic image of the Man in the Moon from the first science-fiction film set in space, A Trip to the Mooninspired by a history of literature about going Moon the Moon. What about non-governmental entities active in outer space, Moon, like companies and even individuals? Retrieved 29 September Authority control Moon.

Its shape is more elongated than current tidal forces can account for, Moon. Archived from the original Moon 13 December Moon A solar eclipse causes the Sun to be covered, revealing the white corona, Moon. This mission obtained the first near-global topographic map of the Moon, and the first global multispectral images of the lunar surface. Archived from the original on 17 June The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. JSTOR Moon Facts The brightest and largest object in our night sky, the Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate, Moon.

Australian Moon Laws Alliance, Moon. Retrieved 9 November Bibcode : NatAs With too sparse an atmosphere to impede impacts, a steady rain of asteroids, Moon, meteoroids, and comets strikes the surface of the Moon, leaving numerous craters behind. Archived from the original on 8 March Selene is associated with Artemis and paralleled by the Roman Lunawhich both are occasionally depicted driving a chariotlike the Hindu lunar deity Chandra. Moon isotopic equalization of the Earth-Moon system might be explained by the post-impact mixing of the vaporized material that formed the two, Moon, [52] although this is debated. Sridharan; S, Moon. The time falling bodies take to light : mythology, sexuality, and the origins of culture. July Hear Ye! Even satellites that initially pass within the Roche limit can reliably and predictably survive, Moon being partially stripped and then torqued onto wider, stable orbits. Although similar to terrestrial basalts, lunar basalts have more iron and no minerals altered Moon water. The introduction of the Artemis Accords has fueled a renewed discussion about the international framework and cooperation of lunar activity, Moon, building on the Moon Treaty Moon the ESA-led Moon Village concept. Archived from the original on 17 December

